Building the future of learning Finnish

Game Map

About us

Lieke is a word with taste of electricity, fire, and potentiality. The word was suggested as the word for electricity by Elias Lonnrot in the 19th century when Finnish language was still being created. Like electricity was new technology then, so are our solutions today.

Our language learning applications combine gamification elements, geolocation and social media in new and interesting ways. We aim to activate our players and encourage them to interact with their surroundings. At the same time teachers can design and customize their own games and see how the students are progressing.


About 6 % of people in Finland are immigrants. People move to Finland e.g. to study, to work or because of family reasons. Integration into a new country may be a challenging process.

What is immigrant integration about?

We want to help language learners and teachers by making language learning fun. We want to take learnig outside of class rooms. With our games and apps language learning happens in places where it is used.

Innovative and very doable idea, almost as good as the best ones. Top-20 out of 226 contestants.

- Sitra, Ratkaisu 100 Challenge Prize

Our games

We are developing a mobile app with gamification features. With our game you can:

Ratkaisu 100 by Sitra


Our idea for a language learning game was evaluated as one of the top-20 ideas in Sitra's "Ratkaisu 100" challenge prize. According to the reviews, our idea was "just slightly less good than the ideas that were selected as the best ones". Unfortunately our lack of work experience dropped us out of the finals. But we have to admit: we had tough competitors - Founder of Rovio, professors and academics. Follow the competition at: Ratkaisu 100 website and Sitra website

Best young StartUps


We are competing for the Young Entrepeneurs' Finnish Mastership in Helsinki. The finals will be held in Kauppakeskus Kamppi and Finlandia House on April 19 - 20, 2017. The winner of the competition will represent Finland in the European Masterships in summer 2017. Follow the competition at: Competition website

Game Map teacher

Our team


Team Leader




Creative Mind




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